In the midst of the Invictus Games' limelight predominantly on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton has subtly made her presence felt, showcasing a new hairstyle and continuing her royal duties with grace. This move is seen by many as her way of "fighting back" amidst the media frenzy surrounding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

During her visit to the Royal Naval Air Station, the Duchess of Cambridge debuted a fresh set of bangs, drawing attention and admiration. Duncan Larcombe, a royal commentator, noted, "Kate's not stupid. She wants any engagements that she's involved in to get their rightful attention and coverage, and making sure she looks her best and behaves her best is part of that." He further added that this approach is Kate's way of "fighting back in the only way she can."

The Invictus Games, a multi-sport event for wounded, injured, or sick armed services personnel, has always been close to Prince Harry's heart. His and Meghan's appearances during the event have garnered significant media attention. Larcombe suggests that for Kate, Harry's public appearances can sometimes serve as a painful reminder of the rift between the Sussexes and the Cambridges. He said, "The Games are a big deal for Harry. It's one of the biggest things he does, and Kate is just going to have to grin and bear the fact it's the Harry and Meghan show while it's on."

Despite the challenges, Kate's strategy has always been to maintain a dignified silence and continue with her royal duties. "Her way of dealing with anything they are up to is just to keep a dignified silence and carry on. It's worked very well for her and William so far. Slow and steady wins the race," Larcombe added.

The relationship between the Cambridges and the Sussexes has been strained, especially after the latter's exit from royal duties, commonly referred to as "Megxit." Larcombe pointed out the deeply personal remarks made by Harry and Meghan about Kate, stating that the wounds might take years to heal. "Some of what Harry and Meghan have said, particularly about Kate, was so personal, and it's going to take years to heal the hurt because of the damage that's been done. It's going to take more than an apology to fix the relationships," he remarked.

Furthermore, the absence of messages of support from Prince William and Kate Middleton for the Invictus Games speaks volumes about the current state of their relationship with the Sussexes. Larcombe noted, "I think it's quite noticeable that there are no messages of support so far from William or Kate. That kind of tells you all you need to know in terms of their approval."

As the royal family continues to navigate these complex dynamics, the world watches closely, hoping for reconciliation and unity among its members.