Meghan Markle's recent solo appearance at Variety's "Power of Women" gala in Los Angeles is being touted as a significant strategic move aimed at revamping the Sussex brand. The event, held at Citizen News on Thursday, November 16, saw the Duchess of Sussex mingling with Hollywood's elite and posing with influential studio executives, signaling a potential relaunch of 'Brand Sussex'.

Eric Schiffer, Chairman of Patriarch Equity and Reputation Management Consultants, described Markle's attendance as a "power move." In a statement to the Daily Mail, he emphasized the critical juncture the Sussex brand is at, noting the need for a major hit under their Archewell Productions banner. "It's about the bottom line," Schiffer said, highlighting the past challenging year for the Sussexes and the importance of this event in redefining their public image.

American audiences' initial sympathy for the Duke and Duchess has reportedly waned, according to Schiffer, who critiqued their approach as lacking the "can-do attitude" admired in the States. However, Markle's gala appearance marked a departure from this trend. "She hit that red carpet like the pro she is and worked the room," Schiffer observed, pointing out her interactions with notable figures like Billie Eilish, Margot Robbie, Carey Mulligan, Janet Yang, and Pearlena Igbokwe.


The Duchess's presence at the event, particularly without Prince Harry, was seen as a deliberate effort to establish herself as "an independent, powerful woman." This was further underscored by her central seating arrangement near Leonardo DiCaprio's table, hinting at a meticulously planned execution.

During the gala, Markle expressed her enthusiasm for upcoming projects under Archewell Productions. Her message conveyed a sense of anticipation and pride in her team's accomplishments, promising exciting announcements in the near future.

This appearance comes at a pivotal moment for the Sussexes, who have faced various challenges since stepping back from royal duties and moving to the United States. The event could signify a turning point, positioning Meghan Markle as a prominent figure in Hollywood circles, independent of her royal affiliation.

The strategic move hints at a new chapter for the Sussex brand, focusing on leveraging Meghan Markle's Hollywood connections and expertise. The Duchess's solo appearance and interactions at the Variety gala might just be the catalyst needed for Brand Sussex's resurgence in the competitive landscape of entertainment and global influence.