During a candid interview on the "Chicks in the Office" podcast, Rick Hoffman, known for his role as Louis Litt in the hit series "Suits," revisited an unexpected discomfort he experienced at the royal wedding of his former co-star Meghan Markle to Prince Harry on May 19, 2018. Despite the grandeur and fairy-tale-like setting of the event, Hoffman shared a less glamorous aspect of his experience that day, marked by a persistent and unpleasant odor.

The actor humorously pointed to a viral photograph from the wedding, capturing him with a noticeably distressed expression, which he attributed to a foul smell pervading his vicinity during the ceremony. "If you type in my name on Google, you see my face making that awful face," Hoffman recounted, clarifying the reason behind his grimace.

Hoffman described the challenging ordeal of enduring the malodor in a setting where the air was still, and the scent seemed to intensify over time. Initially suspecting "terrible breath" from an individual nearby, he soon realized the smell was emanating from multiple sources, enveloping him in discomfort. "It's an hour and a half, so it's just constantly coming my way. Now it's getting into my body," he explained, highlighting the persistence of the odor.

Concerned about being mistakenly identified as the source of the smell due to his well-known emphasis on personal hygiene, Hoffman sought validation from his "Suits" colleagues. "I don't want them to think it's me," he expressed, only to find himself isolated in his olfactory ordeal as others did not share his perception.

Adding a touch of humor to the situation, the podcast hosts suggested that Meghan Markle, aware of Hoffman's sensitivity to smells, might have playfully seated him near the "stinky people." Hoffman, taking the suggestion in stride, dismissed the idea as ironic coincidence rather than intentional placement.

Despite the olfactory challenge, Hoffman reflected on the wedding with fondness, describing it as "incredibly special" and lauding the surreal atmosphere of the historic event. "When you were on those grounds, you were like 'wow!'. You did feel like you're in a different century," he shared, evoking the timeless and majestic ambiance that enveloped the guests and the thousands of onlookers who had gathered to witness the union of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Hoffman's anecdote adds a relatable and humanizing layer to the otherwise impeccably staged royal wedding, reminding listeners and fans that even the most meticulously planned events can be subject to the unpredictability of everyday life experiences.