A comprehensive report released by the Pentagon on Friday has concluded that the United States government is not secretly hiding alien technology or extraterrestrial beings from the public. The investigation, conducted by the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), found no evidence to support popular conspiracy theories and beliefs about the government's alleged involvement in reverse-engineering alien spacecraft or concealing the existence of extraterrestrial life.

The report, which examined official government investigations dating back to 1945, addressed the persistent narrative in popular culture that the US government has recovered off-world spacecraft and extraterrestrial biological remains. "The proliferation of television programs, books, movies, and the vast amount of internet and social media content centred on UAP-related topics most likely has influenced the public conversation on this topic, and reinforced these beliefs within some sections of the population," the report stated.

AARO investigators, granted full access to all pertinent sensitive US government programs, reviewed classified and unclassified archives, conducted interviews, and collaborated with intelligence community and defense department officials. Despite these efforts, the report found "no evidence that any US government investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP [unexplained anomalous phenomenon] represented extraterrestrial technology."

The report also attributed the majority of UAP sightings to misidentification, citing imperfect sensors, limited actionable data, and poor data quality. It noted that resources and staffing for UAP-related programs have been largely irregular and sporadic, further contributing to the lack of concrete evidence.

Addressing claims that the US government and private companies have been reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology, the report found "no empirical evidence" to support such assertions. AARO determined that "claims involving specific people, known locations, technological tests and documents allegedly involved in or related to the reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial technology, are inaccurate."

The report revealed that a proposed program titled Kona Blue, which aimed to reverse-engineer alien technology, was rejected by the Department of Homeland Security for lacking merit. Supporters of the program failed to provide empirical evidence to support their claims.

AARO investigators also debunked a claim that a former military officer had touched an extraterrestrial spacecraft, stating that the officer in question denied the claim and recounted a story of touching an F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter, which may have been misconstrued by the interviewee.

Furthermore, a sample from an alleged extraterrestrial spacecraft, acquired by AARO from a private UAP investigating organization and the US Army, was determined to be "a manufactured, terrestrial alloy" composed primarily of magnesium, zinc, and bismuth with other trace elements.

The report's findings suggest that the spike in UFO sightings during the 1950s and 60s was likely caused by tests of advanced US spy planes and space technology, such as high-altitude balloons and the U-2 spy plane. More than half of the UFO reports investigated at the time were determined to be US reconnaissance flights, according to a Central Intelligence Agency assessment.

Despite the lack of evidence supporting extraterrestrial involvement, the Pentagon has acknowledged that the report's conclusions are unlikely to quell popular beliefs about alien visitors. As UAP sightings continue at a rate of 50 to 100 per month, according to AARO, speculation about government cover-ups persists.

The release of this report marks a significant step in the US government's efforts to transparently address the issue of UAPs and dispel misconceptions surrounding extraterrestrial life and technology. As the search for answers continues, the Pentagon has promised to issue further reports examining more recent sightings and rumors in the future.