Amid criticism from figures like Vivek Ramaswamy and Caitlyn Jenner, President Joe Biden and the White House have reaffirmed their support for Transgender Day of Visibility, coinciding with Easter, emphasizing unity and respect for all communities.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates released a statement in response to the controversy, emphasizing the administration's commitment to unity and respect for all Americans, including the transgender community.

"As a Christian who celebrates Easter with family, President Biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every American," Bates stated, addressing the critiques head-on.

The statement further condemned the divisive rhetoric from some political quarters, with Bates adding, "Sadly, it's unsurprising politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful and dishonest rhetoric. President Biden will never abuse his faith for political purposes or for profit."

“Transgender Day of Visibility,” observed internationally since 2009 on March 31, aims to celebrate the transgender community's resilience and contributions. This year, the observance coincided with Easter, as the last Sunday of March fell on the 31st, sparking the backlash that led to the White House's reaffirmation of its stance.

President Biden personally weighed in, underscoring the importance of the day. "On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation's commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives," he said in a statement.

Biden's message sought to directly address transgender Americans, ensuring them of the administration's support: "Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong. You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back."

To recall, Caitlyn Jenner condemned President Joe Biden's announcement on Saturday that "Transgender Day of Visibility" would be observed on Sunday, March 31, which also happens to be the day Easter falls this year. "I am absolutely disgusted that Joe Biden has declared the most Holy of Holy days - a self proclaimed devout Catholic - as Transgender Day of Visibility. The only thing you should be declaring on this day is 'HE is Risen,'" Jenner wrote on X on Saturday.

Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy also criticized Biden, claiming that "declaring the most holy day for Christians as "Transgender Visibility Day" is a slap in the face to every American, whatever their faith." "Now, the White House has prohibited any religious symbolism on Easter eggs. We're in the middle of a war in this country, and take it from a Hindu: that's not a "Christian nationalist" talking point," he said in a statement on X, formerly Twitter.

The overlap of “Transgender Day of Visibility” with Easter in 2024 has also sparked controversy among Republicans, who criticize President Joe Biden for what they perceive as insensitivity towards religious traditions.

The “Transgender Day of Visibility,” observed on March 31, coinciding with one of Christianity's most sacred celebrations, has led to accusations from former President Donald Trump's campaign that Biden, a devout Roman Catholic, is neglecting the importance of Easter.

The Trump campaign's press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, issued a call for an apology from Biden's administration to "the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only – the resurrection of Jesus Christ."

When questioned on Sunday, Leavitt did not address the issue, instead repeating the false claim that Biden "chose" Easter to recognize Transgender Day of Visibility, despite the fact that it has been observed on March 31 since 2009. "The Biden administration has spent years appeasing left-wing activists and disrespecting the Christian faith," Leavitt told The Washington Post.

Leavitt also accused Biden of having "prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event," referring to a long-standing Easter tradition in which children of National Guard members submit decorated eggs to be displayed at the White House.

The American Egg Board, which administers the contest, stated that the rules governing what is permitted in the Easter egg decorating contest have remained consistent for more than 45 years, including during the Trump administration. The contest rules state that eggs "must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements."

“The Egg Board and other commodity boards are prohibited from discriminating in all programming and activities on the basis of religion, political beliefs and all other stated categories,” Emily Metz, president and CEO of the American Egg Board, said in a statement.

Similarly, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, took to social media to criticize the Biden administration, deeming the decision to recognize Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter as "outrageous and abhorrent," and a betrayal of Easter's central tenet.

Despite these criticisms, Biden, who regularly attends Catholic Mass and has previously described his faith as integral to his moral framework, remains firm in his stance. His engagement with issues such as gay marriage and abortion rights has historically positioned him at odds with conservative Christian groups.

These objections come at a time when Trump is preparing for a criminal trial, with a tentative start date of April 15, related to allegations of covering up hush money paid to an adult film actor. Amidst various legal battles, including charges related to attempts to overturn the 2020 election results, handling classified materials post-presidency, and facing civil penalties for alleged fraudulent business practices, Trump continues to be vocal on his social media platform, Truth Social.

There, Trump recently criticized the judge overseeing his case, calling for immediate sanctions and recusal. He also referenced a New York Post article about the judge's daughter's political consulting work for Democrats.