The trust between King Charles and his estranged son, Prince Harry, has "gone," according to royal commentator Sarah-Louise Robertson, as the father and son did not meet during the Duke of Sussex's latest trip to the United Kingdom. Prince Harry returned to the UK on Tuesday to attend a thanksgiving service for the Invictus Games at St Paul's Cathedral, before reuniting with his wife, Meghan Markle, at Heathrow Airport and embarking on their unofficial royal tour of Nigeria.

Speaking about the lack of a reunion between King Charles and Prince Harry, Robertson claimed that the monarch is "so hurt" by the way his son has acted against the monarchy since leaving the Royal Family. "King Charles obviously does love Harry dearly, but he's so hurt," she told GB News. "And it's the trust, the trust has just gone."

Robertson also revealed that Queen Camilla has become "very protective" of King Charles following his cancer diagnosis and the continued outbursts by the Sussexes towards the Royal Family. "Camilla is very protective, she can't have anything upset King Charles right now. It's just too much for him," she said.

The royal commentator noted that when Prince Harry last saw his father, following the King's cancer diagnosis, the meeting was "so emotional and upsetting for the King." She added, "Until Harry can prove that he can be trusted and the stories won't be leaked out, the King, I don't think, could see him."

Turning the discussion to Meghan and Harry's latest outing as a couple, Robertson claimed that despite the Sussexes playing out the trip as a royal tour, it is simply an unofficial "pseudo-royal tour." She argued that the trip is "another stabbing attempt" for the Sussexes to "rebrand" their image.

"They're setting themselves up to be the alternative royals. This is another stab at making it for the Sussexes and redefining their brand," Robertson explained. "They just put different hats on for different things - she's setting herself that this is her rebranding herself, and Harry's obviously part of that."

The royal commentator also criticized Prince Harry's security arrangements during the Nigeria trip, noting that his four-man security team "sticks in the throat for people over here because he was bleating, trying to sue us over his security." She pointed out the inconsistency in Harry's stance, saying, "The way that he's gone and made such a fuss about how Britain wasn't safe for him to bring his wife and children to, yet he's gallivanting away over in Nigeria with not a care in the world, when actually they are at risk of kidnap threat."

The Sussexes' trip to Nigeria has been seen by some as an attempt to preserve their public image and build their career in the United States, with Meghan Markle recently launching her new lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard. However, the couple's actions continue to strain their relationship with the Royal Family, particularly with King Charles.