In a heart-wrenching trailer for her upcoming documentary "I Am: Celine Dion," the world-renowned singer Celine Dion opens up about her battle with Stiff Person Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder that has forced her to step back from performing. The Amazon MGM documentary, set to premiere on Prime Video on June 25, offers a candid look at Dion's journey as she grapples with the life-altering diagnosis and its impact on her career.

The trailer, released on Thursday, features a mix of archival and behind-the-scenes footage spanning Dion's illustrious career, as well as new interviews in which the singer becomes visibly emotional while discussing her recent health challenges. "It's not hard to do a show, you know. It's hard to cancel a show," Dion says, her voice catching with emotion. "I'm working hard everyday. But I have to admit, it's been a struggle. I miss it so much. The people, I miss them. If I can't run, I'll walk. If I can't walk, I'll crawl. I won't stop."

Dion's diagnosis with Stiff Person Syndrome, which causes muscle stiffness and painful spasms that worsen over time, was announced in December 2022 when the singer postponed several of her European tour dates. The disorder affects her ability to walk and use her vocal cords to sing the way she used to, a devastating blow for an artist who has sold over 250 million albums and won five Grammy Awards.

The trailer begins with Dion belting out one of her signature vocal wails, a reminder of the powerhouse performer she is and a plea for her gift to not abandon her. "My voice is the conductor of my life," she says. "When your voice brings you joy, you're the best of yourself. I need my instrument."

As reported by Variety, the documentary "spans about a year and chronicles Dion's battle with Stiff Person Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder that affects the brain and the spinal cord. In the case of Dion, the illness halted her livelihood and ability to perform."

In a statement announcing the film, Dion shared, "This last couple of years has been such a challenge for me, the journey from discovering my condition to learning how to live with and manage it, but not to let it define me. As the road to resuming my performing career continues, I have realized how much I have missed it, of being able to see my fans. During this absence, I decided I wanted to document this part of my life to help others who share this diagnosis."

The trailer also includes a portion of a 911 call that presumably led to Dion's eventual diagnosis, as well as footage of the singer in rehab, stretching her body and occasionally wincing in pain. In one particularly emotional moment, Dion breaks down after a therapy session, highlighting the immense physical and emotional toll the disease has taken on her.

Despite the challenges, Dion's resilience shines through in the trailer. "If I can't walk, I'll crawl. And I won't stop. I won't stop," she declares, her determination to continue performing and connecting with her fans evident in every word.

Dion's most recent major public appearance was at the 2024 Grammys, following her Stiff Person Syndrome diagnosis. The documentary "I Am: Celine Dion" promises to offer an intimate and unflinching look at the iconic singer's journey as she navigates this difficult period in her life and career, serving as an inspiration to others facing similar challenges.