The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, may remain absent from public appearances for the remainder of the year as she continues her battle with cancer. Royal sources and close friends have disclosed that Kate is currently undergoing preventive chemotherapy and is being supported by her family during this challenging period.

The Princess, who was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, has been focusing on her recovery and is expected to spend the upcoming school holiday with her family at their country home on the Sandringham Estate. Her parents, Carole and Michael Middleton, along with her siblings, are expected to join her for support.

Prince William, Kate's husband, is anticipated to devote more time to his family over the next several weeks, according to People magazine. This comes after the royal family decided to step back from some engagements to avoid diverting attention during the snap U.K. general election scheduled for July 4.

A source revealed that there is no public engagement planned for Kate in the foreseeable future, The Daily Beast reported on Saturday. "Lots of people involved in planning need to know what all the principals are doing a long way in advance. I am told that Kate's diary for this year is empty. There is nothing planned," the source said.

The potential for Kate's extended absence from public life has raised concerns about speculation and conspiracy theories regarding her health. To address this, it is possible that the Palace may release another video message updating the public on her condition. This strategy proved effective in quelling rumors when she first disclosed her diagnosis in March.

A close friend of the couple emphasized the importance of avoiding stress for Kate as she focuses on her recovery, according to The Daily Beast. "The key thing for her now is avoiding any kind of stress or anxiety and just getting on with the business of getting better," the friend said. Kate has been leaning on her immediate family for support, rather than her and William's wider circle of friends.

It has been five months since Kate was last seen in public, and her prolonged absence might necessitate further updates from the Palace. Her initial video message, released in March, detailed her diagnosis and the beginning of her preventive chemotherapy. "It had been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family, but I've had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me, for which I am so grateful," she said in the video.

Kate's current focus on recovery has meant stepping back from her usual duties. This week, her team released a report from her Early Childhood initiative without suggesting that Kate was actively involved in its day-to-day management. A senior royal aide stated, "She will return to work when she has had the green light from doctors."

The Princess's children are on a one-week holiday from school, and the family is expected to spend this time at Anmer Hall on the Sandringham Estate. The local community, which is close-knit and protective of the royal family, provides a supportive environment for Kate's recovery.

Fellow parents at the private school attended by Kate's children have noted her absence from school events and sports matches. One parent mentioned, "There have been rumors she has done drop-off, but I haven't seen her since the video. We all feel very protective of her."

Kate's friends have indicated that she might not return to public duties until the autumn, and only if she has fully recovered. "No one wants to put any pressure on Catherine. The only thing that matters at the moment is her getting better," a source said. This sentiment reflects the high regard in which Kate is held within the royal family, emphasizing the importance of her health over her public role.