Colin Farrell, renowned for his roles in films such as "In Bruges" and "The Lobster," has embarked on a deeply personal mission to support individuals with intellectual disabilities. The actor, aged 48, recently launched the Colin Farrell Foundation, which is dedicated to transforming the lives of those living with intellectual disabilities through education, awareness, advocacy, and innovative programs. This initiative is particularly close to Farrell's heart, as his 20-year-old son, James, was diagnosed with Angelman syndrome as a child.

Angelman syndrome is a rare neuro-genetic disorder caused by the loss of function of the UBE3A gene during fetal development. This condition leads to developmental delays, intellectual disability, movement issues, and speech impairments. It is named after Dr. Harry Angelman, an English physician who first described the condition in 1965. The disorder affects approximately one in 12,000 to 20,000 people, according to the Cleveland Clinic, and is characterized by features such as a happy demeanor, frequent laughter, and distinct facial characteristics.

Farrell has not spoken publicly about his son's condition until recently. In an interview with People, he revealed that James will turn 21 in September, which marks a critical transition as he will age out of the support systems provided to children with special needs. This impending change has fueled Farrell's determination to ensure that adult individuals with intellectual disabilities continue to receive the support they need.

"My son James has worked so hard all his life, and he, along with others like him, deserves the opportunity for a greater degree of individuality and autonomy," Farrell stated. "They have earned the right to be an integrated part of our modern society and should not be left behind."

The Colin Farrell Foundation aims to provide this support through various means, including advocacy, education, and innovative programs. Farrell will serve as the president of the organization, ensuring his hands-on involvement in its initiatives.

Reflecting on a profound moment in his son's development, Farrell shared a touching story about the first time James walked independently. Initially diagnosed with cerebral palsy, James received the correct diagnosis of Angelman syndrome at age two. Farrell recalled the emotional day when James, with determination etched on his face, took his first steps toward him just before his fourth birthday. "It was so profound. It was magic," Farrell said, describing the overwhelming joy and pride he felt.

Farrell's journey with his son has been filled with challenges and triumphs. In May 2021, Farrell and James' mother, Kim Bordenave, filed for conservatorship of James. Farrell explained that once children with special needs turn 21, many of the safeguards and support systems in place during their childhood are no longer available, leaving families to navigate these complexities alone. This gap in support is one of the key issues Farrell hopes to address with his foundation.

The actor's commitment to this cause is evident in his plans for the foundation. "[I] for years wanted to do something in the realm of providing greater opportunities for families who have a child with special needs," Farrell said. His goal is to ensure that these families receive the support they deserve in all areas of life, from medical care to education and beyond.

Farrell's advocacy extends beyond his foundation's initiatives. He aims to raise awareness about Angelman syndrome and similar conditions, hoping to inspire greater understanding and support within the broader community. By sharing his personal experiences, Farrell brings attention to the daily realities faced by families affected by intellectual disabilities.