Red Dead Redemption 2 is considered one of the biggest games in 2018 and this is not only because of its gaming culture significance and prominence. Surprisingly, the main spotlight was placed towards its download size too.

According to Tech Radar, the latest picture of the PS4 Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4 Pro bundle was revealed. The said image unveils the game's final download size and the small text at the back of the box writes 105 GB of hard drive space required to install. A list was released, which Games Radar compiled and reported, entitled "15 biggest PS4 games," states that the Red Dead Redemption 2 is the biggest game to ever hit the console.

The download size would make a lot of sense if one considers how detailed the world of Red Dead Redemption. However, 100 GB is indeed a huge order for some folks who still rock the subpar connection speed.

Red Dead Redemption is a Big World

There is no doubt that Red Dead Redemption 2 can chew through the hard drives like some beef of jerky. Everything says it in the details. The massive overworld map of Redemption was revealed at the hands-on first look of the earlier mentioned source. The game's developer is Rockstar and Tech Radar's report described how they marveled at their attention to small details. Here are several details they cited among other things:

  • Facial hair that grows over time and horse
  • Anatomy that changes based on the weather

Moreover, these details are appreciated by the fans but the hard drive requirement is a tough thing to be accepted. After all, there are gamers who have slower bandwidth connection and only limited hard drive space. No one can deny that this is how the next generation of gaming works and they have to keep going, for better or worse.

Forbes reported that it has a fully integrated social system. Some aspects of the game must also be rendered in full 4K and this is not cheap when it comes to a memory perspective. In the end, RDR will be one of the biggest games from a file size point of view. Unfortunately, concerns may be raised from Red Dead Online like the GTA Online, providing portion service of the game.

This reportedly became something that gamers would want to consider inside their hard drive. Therefore, it becomes much harder when new releases come around. One recommendation you can have is to upgrade your hard drive for Red Dead Redemption 2.