Grand Theft Auto 5 visual overhaul mod has been one of the most anticipated process gamers look forward. At the moment, one that captures the heart of many is Jamal Rashid's Natural Vision Remastered.

Nothing is better than seeing the result of a thousand hours of work as each update reach fresh levels of realism. Its latest update is set to be launched on Wednesday and PC GAMER describes how remarkable it is.

Sending an email to the earlier mentioned source, Rashid explains how the main focus in the newest Natural Vision Remastered update was to overhaul the cloudy water. Rashid, also known as Razed, is aware that to edit this specific weather would be a huge undertaking. It is also the very reason why Razed left it alone until the very end.

Razed added, "I took it upon myself to rework each hour of the day and balance it across the time cycle." Things resulted in a better outcome.

He further explained in the email that the new cloudy weather of the mod intentionally leans into the upcoming visual style of Red Dead Redemption 2. Razed said he is pleased as well to finally finish the latest update of the mod so PC Gamers can have something to enjoy while other people are busy with their consoles later this week.

Razed also explained, "Usually the time cycle is divided into two regions (City and Countryside) so you can do more specific edits, but the file that controls cloud colors/cloud lighting is universal across both regions. As a result, I ran into some issues, but thankfully everything balanced out in the end."

He edited the cloud textures as well with a little help from a friend to satisfy edges with a softer touch. Many aspects of the new update were mostly inspired by the forthcoming Red Dead Redemption 2, which he described as "absolutely stunning." Razed even hopes it would come out on PC soon because he would love to mod it.

Moreover, several improvements were also made to other weather conditions aside from these few tweaks. He also managed to fix lots of bugs. Razed spent over 4548 hours of playing GTA 5. Most of the time spent was given to modding.  This update will reportedly be the last for Natural Vision Remastered while sharing his a little burnout experience on Los Santos.

Concluding his email, Razed says he is ready for something new and many are definitely excited about his next route.