People do just about anything just to have a good night's rest -long bubble baths, meditation, and the list go on. What most do not realize though is that the culprit to a bad sleep also lies hidden in the fridge. The food people eat can have adverse effects on the quality of sleep.

Water is a common culprit although it is essential for the body since it replenishes lost fluids and keeps us hydrated. The only time water can be a nuisance is when taken right before bed. Drinking too much before hitting the sack may require multiple trips to the bathroom. The need to pee can sometimes wake us up in our sleep. So if you do not want this to happen, drink water at least 90 minutes before bed instead.

Secondly, eating spicy foods before bed can wake up your stomach's acid juices. Although it helps speed up metabolism and promotes weight loss, spicy foods are ideally, not meant to be eaten at night because it can trigger heartburn. It also increases the body's core temperature, which could end you up staying awake at night.

Another food that triggers heartburn and acid reflux is onion. It causes gas and stomach bloating. Just make sure that you do not consume too much onion to avoid the reflux, which is not a good feeling to have at night.

Fourth, are steak or roast beef and cured meats such as sausages, bacon, and pepperoni. These foods are high in fat and protein, which takes time to digest and keeps your stomach working. Sausages and bacon are better left as breakfast food because they are rich in amino acids that help the brain produce the stimulant norepinephrine. It keeps your brain working, which is not what you want when you want to drift off into sleep.

Fifth, is broccoli, which is a good choice if you want to shed off some pounds and opt for a healthy eating routine because it packs fiber. However, eating too much of it and right before bed can give you serious gas as your body breaks it down. Make sure to eat it two hours before going to bed to avoid bouts of gas disrupting your sleep.

Likewise, beans can trigger gas because it takes longer to digest. Eating beans before bed can disrupt your sleep with stomach grumbles or bouts of gas.

Seventh, are tomatoes, which consists the naturally-occurring amino acid tyramine that stimulates brain activity and delays sleep. It is also known to trigger a migraine.

Eighth, avoid eating fried food that is high in fat content such as pizza or fried chicken. These foods take time to break down and so it keeps the stomach working for hours. If you want to indulge though, make sure to eat at least three hours before bed to give time for digestion.

Ninth, nuts and seeds are known to provide your body with the energy needed for the day's activities but not at night. So skip eating these for a late-night snack or while watching a movie before bed.

Lastly, celery is a diuretic food that flushes out fluids and toxins in the body. Avoid this vegetable if you do not want your sleep messed up with several trips to the bathroom.