Amidst the rumors of another anime series, Bandai Namco Entertainment unveiled during this year's E3 event that the heavily speculated "Dragon Ball Project Z" is no other than its latest RPG title "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot." The game developer also revealed the first-ever gameplay of the upcoming game slated to release in 2020.

One of the biggest surprises today at E3 2019 is the announcement and unveiling from Bandai Namco Entertainment of "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot." Along with CyberConnect 2, Bandai Namco revealed that the much-talked-about Project Z is in fact "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot." The title is an action RPG-style that will highlight the adventure of the fan-favorite Saiyan Son Goku who is also known among his Saiyan peers as Kakaroto.

The game developer also revealed that "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot" will give fans another set of unforgettable adventure challenging quests and battles allowing the players to forge life-long friendships and fight to protect planet Earth from villains, invaders, and other fearsome characters. Instead of the usual game that centers on solo combat, the new game shows that it is a departure from the usual fighting kind by introducing an open-world RPG-style.

This is the kind of game that fans have long been requesting from the team behind the popular anime series. Over the years, fans have been calling out Bandai Namco to give them an action RPG that features the iconic characters and moments from the popular anime series. Along with the reveal, the game developer also dropped the first-ever gameplay trailer of "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot."

For fans, it is an ultimate nostalgia where they are taken back at the events that happened in the first couple of seasons of the popular anime series. It commences with the arrival on Earth of the Prince of Saiyan Vegeta and his faithful ally Nappa. There is also a brief scene showing Son Goku fighting Vegeta, Goku fighting a Saiyan in his Great Ape form up to the time of the epic battle between Goku and the villain Frieza.

Akira Toriyama, the fan-favorite creator of the popular anime series described the game as Dragon Ball Universe brought to life, which can be found at the start of the trailer. Toriyama-san hopes that fans will take a deep plunge into the game so experience the DB Universe in action. At the end of the trailer, it was revealed that "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot" was originally named "Dragon Ball Project Z."

So far, there are no specifics as to the release date of "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot" only a release window of early 2020. "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot" will be released on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.