People have always been divided on bitcoin and its effectiveness. Fortune reported on some CEOs who have their own ideas about the cryptocurrency and where it's headed, from the perspective that they gained while leading their respective companies. All of their answers echo what everyone thinks bitcoin has-unlimited freedom and great potential.

Those who were asked in this round of questioning is Hikmet Ersek, the CEO of Western Union, who is out to prove that blockchain isn't going to destroy their business model. The former top executive of Bank of America and CEO of Ellevest, Sallie Krawcheck, believes that its hard to understand, while Amber Baldet, CEO of startup Clovyr and a former JP Morgan blockchain executive, said that bitcoin is worth learning from.

Rounding out those who gave their own ideas are Jeremy Allaire, CEO of crypto payment service Circle; Vinny Lingham, CEO of blockchain management service Civic; Henrique Dubugras of credit card startup Brex, and Barry Silbert of the Digital Currency Group. They have this notion that bitcoin should be held as an "asset" to protect against the fall of traditional assets and government currency.

Two other people shared their thoughts about bitcoin-these were ones that were closely connected to the cryptocurrency, as they were two of those responsible for giving the coin its foundation. They were at the Bitcoin 2019 conference in San Francisco, Forbes reported. They are Blockstream CEO Adam Back, credited for the creation of hashcash, and Scott Stornetta, the Yugen Partners chief scientist.

Stornetta shared his ideas on bitcoin, saying that he was "extremely bullish" on what bitcoin and other technologies can accomplish over the next decade. He also thinks that distributed ledger technology is worth looking at, noting that it would further experience a broadening of technology and be even more diversified in the near future.

Adam Back, meanwhile, expressed his ideas about bitcoin having come as far as it did in the past decade. He also noted how it came faster than most people expected, and that "bitcoin time" is faster than "internet time." He noted how it was more of a challenge to keep up, and that there was a lot of developments happening-developments being made faster than the developers can keep up.

However different their views may be, they can all agree that bitcoin is a decentralized platform that presents accessibility and unity, even to those who think they cannot trade and do business like the big enterprises can.