Some users are noticing that their Google Calendar has lately been flooded with spam. They need not fret too much though because Google already promised to solve it soon.

Users have been irritated for the past few weeks because their Google Calendar has gone bonkers, with their supposedly clean-looking and productivity-induing schedule ruined by ads such as "WIN A FREE iPHONE!" or "CHEAP RAYBANS HERE." Spammers are, of course, the ones to blame.

Google says, however, that this problem will vanish soon enough as it is currently finding a solution. Wise spammers have found a way to get Google Calendar to show all these irritating messages and ads without the users necessarily having to have accidentally clicked on anything. But it remains to be seen whether the spammers can have a chance to continue doing this against Google's all-encompassing tech abilities.

According to Engadget, Google is quick to announce that it is aware of the issue, to give the users a peace of mind. Nothing is more annoying than a problem that is just being ignored. "We're aware of the spam occurring in Calendar and are working diligently to resolve this issue. We'll post updates to this thread as they become available," Google's pinned pose on its support forum reads. "Learn how to report and remove spam. Thank you for your patience," it further stated.

Users who cannot wait for the fix do have the option to remove these spam events the more laborious way. They can remove them by batches just by going to Google Calendar on their computers. They can just click one of the recurring and irritating spam events then go to the three-dot button located at the top right of the pop-up. Once there, they should click the "report as spam," and these spammy messages will disappear.

If this sounds too tedious, users can just disable the feature allowing for auto-adding invites. After all, this is just temporary, only until Google releases the promised fix.

In a related news, Google Calendar also made the "Working Hours" more obvious so that proper work-life balance can be promoted. The Working Hours feature allows for a person's colleagues to be aware of the best time to work with him or her. This little tweak can save so much time and mental agony on the part of the user. This reduces the back and forth that usually takes place when deciding on the perfect meeting time. This is certainly a move in the right direction.