WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Star Trek Discovery season 3 that may influence your enjoyment in discovering the plotlines. Read at your own risk.

It's a whole new different world in Star Trek Discovery season 3! Following that astounding time jump to nearly 1,000 years into the future, the upcoming series is heading to a new direction where no other show from the franchise has ever gone before.

The teaser, exclusively released by CBS All Access at the New York Comic-Con over the weekend, shows what has now happened to the Starfleet after going through that wormhole. It looks like Lt. Michael Burnham (played by Sonequa Marti-Green) and her crew have a tough time ahead of them.

For one thing, the Federation in the 33rd century might no longer be what it is with only six stars representing the members. Fans of Star Trek Discovery season 3 also got a glimpse of the new character Cleveland Book (played by David Ajala), who may be Burnham's advisor.

Booker is also seen in the teaser asking Burnham if she believes in ghosts. Their exchange hints that aside from the Federation, it looks like the rest of the Starfleet may no longer exist.

Star Trek Discovery season 3 showrunner Alex Kurtzman has prepared the fans for what to expect in the upcoming season. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter last July, the executive producer confirmed that a lot of things would be changing in the latest season.

He said that part of the fun of telling the story of Star Trek Discovery season 3 is in discovering something new while also relying on the familiar. Since it's almost a thousand years into the future, some things have to change in the plot and storylines, but the heart of the show will remain the same.

Michelle Paradise, the new co-showrunner, also told the panel at the New York Comic Con that Star Trek Discovery season 3 will be pushing the characters' evolution. Viewers should keep their eyes peeled on Burnham as well as Book as the upcoming series will be told through their eyes.

Star Trek Discovery season 3 will also follow a serialized story arc, but the producers don't want to give away the details. CBS All Access has plans to release the new season sometime in 2020, but the specific date has not yet been locked in.