It has been a year since the rumor emerged that Ellen DeGeneres quit her talk show to raise a baby with wife, Portia De Rossi. That rumor has proven false as Ellen continues to host her show up to this date. However, speculation about the couple planning to have a baby persists. 

Early last year, Life & Style claimed that the Finding Dory actress is ready to give up her long-running talk show to start a family with Portia. At the time, the publication's source claimed Ellen has decided to quit after Portia begged her for years. The two have been married for more than 11 years but they are together since 2004.

Warner Bros. allegedly offered DeGeneres a big salary bump to convince the comedian to stay for a few more years. The negotiation, however, did not work out as Ellen had already made a promise to Portia that nothing would change her mind. 

The source claimed Ellen's retirement saved her marriage as she can now focus on expanding their family. The insider also noted that the couple plans to either adopt or get a surrogate. They hope to have twins regardless of what route they choose. 

Gossip Cop noted that Ellen remains as host of The Ellen DeGeneres Show since the rumors first emerged. The site also stressed that there is no truth on allegations that Portia is trying to pressure Ellen to quit her job

All of these rumors stemmed from Ellen's interview with The New York Times in December 2018. In the interview, she admitted that her wife wants her to leave daytime TV but the Scandal actress didn't ask her to quit Hollywood. 

De Rossi explained to the publication that Ellen is a brilliant actress and stand up comedian, who doesn't have to be in a daytime talk show to show off her creativity. She suggested that Ellen could do a radio show or podcast instead. 

Gossip Cop also pointed out that Ellen had also admitted in the past that she and Portia have discussed having children at one point. However, they decided not to pursue it. During a guest appearance at the Today Show in 2015, Ellen admitted that they don't have any intention to raise children into the world. 

"I love kids, but that's such a big commitment. It seems long-term. It seems like a commitment that you have to stick with. And I just don't know if I can - it's too risky," she said. 

Though they don't have children, the couple is currently raising "a kid." Ellen and Portia recently shared a photo of them together along with one of their dogs and the pooch name is "Kid."