Donald Trump has five kids from three different women. From her first wife, he had Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric. But, due to his controversial affair, he and Ivana Trump divorced, and got married to Marla, whom he had Tiffany with.

In less than five years, though, he got a divorce again and married his third wife, Melania Trump. After nearly a year of being married again, he had Barron, who is now seen as the youngest Trump.

With the number of kids that he has, not to mention, the status of his children today in society, many would probably think that Donald Trump is a great father to his kids. However, reports claimed that this is not the case since he reportedly admitted a few years back that he is not hands-on with his children since then. In fact, he was even criticized for revealing how he was as a father to the then-young kids.

According to Political Flare, Donald Trump had numerous interviews in the past where he shared his views about fatherhood. In his interview with CNN's Lary King in 2005, just right after his wedding to the now-First Lady of the United States, he stated that he would not mind having a new kid since he would not do anything about it. Shockingly, he then revealed that he might not even see his kid.

In his later interviews, however, he described Melania as a great mother to their son, Barron. He shared, though, that he pays for all the costs while his wife "takes great care" of their child.

These statements obtained a lot of criticisms back then. Even so, this did not stop him from sharing his thoughts on fatherhood many interviews after.

As shared by BuzzFeed News, he was once asked in his interview if he "changes diapers." Donald Trump then responded that he does not do that.

The then-59-year-old businessman further shared that he believes men who change diapers are "acting like the wife." He also claimed that if he probably married a "different type" of wife, which he seemingly referenced to the women who demand their husband to change diapers, he would not have a baby at all. "It is just not for me," he said.

The publication also revealed an interview with Howard Stern wherein he was asked about his kid with Marla Maples. He said that he was "shocked" upon learning that his second wife is pregnant. So, he married her because she is pregnant with Tiffany.