WARNING: This article may contain spoilers for Vikings season 6 midseason finale. Read at your own risk.

History's Vikings season 6 aired its midseason finale on Wednesday, Feb. 5, with the title "The Best Laid Plans." The series will be off-air and likely be back later this year since it usually takes a long break between the first and second half of each season. Viewers will not be able to see Vikings season 6 episode 11 anytime soon, but the series will bring exciting stuff once it returns.

Right now, the release date of Vikings season 6 episode 11 is unknown. But, some reports suggest it will be back in November 2020. History channel will possibly follow its usual release date pattern, with previous seasons returning in the last week of November. Hence, the series will be taking a long break and coming back this winter for its final run.

Meanwhile, the midseason finale ended with a shocking and unexpected twist, leaving fans even more excited. Bjorn Ironside, King Olaf, King Harald, Erik the Red, and Gunnhild came head-to-head with Ivar and King Oleg. The huge twist here is that Ivar killed Bjorn during the battle between The Rus and the Vikings on the shores of Norway. It was unexpected when Ivar strikes his sword in Bjorn's chest.

Vikings season 6 episode 11 will likely see someone new taking the throne of Kattegat. It's yet to be seen whether Ivar claims it for himself or Hvitserk is the mad ruler who ascends. There is also a chance Harald didn't die and will finally claim Kattegat in the absence of strong opposition. The promo of the upcoming episode also shows the army comes together, possibly in the weak of Bjorn's death.

However, although it looks like Bjorn is dead, the series didn't show him taking his last breath. Thus, there is a possibility his journey isn't yet over and his fate will be revealed in Vikings season 6 episode 11. In addition, creator Michael Hirst talked about that shocking twist and shared his plans about the endings as the series concludes.

In an interview with Gamespot, Hirst said he kind of knew which characters would survive and he felt like Bjorn would die. He said his primary goal is to make sure the character's death didn't get lost in all of the carnage of the sixth installment. However, although Bjorn's death is apparent, Hirst teased the character is "not yet dead" and Vikings season 6 episode 11 "will just knock your socks off."