Melania Trump was joined by Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo on Wednesday in honoring the recipients of this year's International Women Courage Awards. It was noted that the awarding ceremony was scheduled just a few days ahead of the International Women's Day, which will be celebrated on Sunday.

Amid the ceremony, the First Lady of the United States shared a few statements to address the event and give praise to this year's awardees. As reported, the "all-female" award "recognizes" different women across the globe, especially those who continue to demonstrate "exceptional courage and leadership."

According to Fox News, Melania Trump shared that her attendance this year serves as her fourth time presenting and honoring the awardees. But, despite being at the event many times, she stated that she still feels "inspired" by the "personal stories" of every woman, especially the awardees.

The First Lady also went on to continue to praise everyone at the event, as well as the country. She reportedly takes great pride in the United States for what it does for all women today. She also mentioned that she feels "honored" to "represent a nation" that aside from recognizing the efforts of women to society, it also "supports" the endeavors of many women, which then results in viable and positive impacts for others.

As added by the reports, Melania Trump's speech largely focused on the word "courage," along with its definition. It was also stated that she linked this with other qualities like "bravery and strength."

The awardees of this year's event were noted to have come from various parts of the globe. Some of these countries include Afghanistan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, China, Syria, and Zimbabwe. The First Lady then attested that they all have "faced everything" amid their efforts to "impact change, which includes death threats, lawsuits, and social media harassment.

But, amid the awarding ceremony while Melania Trump praise and commend all the women, her husband, President Donald Trump was reportedly all-around social media throwing "slur" against his "political rival" Elizabeth Warren. People magazine called it a "split-screen" of the Trump administration as this was not the first time that the First Couple contradicted each other's public statements.

There were several instances when the First Lady campaigns for her Be Best initiative against online bullying and harassment, President Donald Trump reportedly "bullies" other personalities online, which largely makes them "hypocrites" as per the general public. Accordingly, no matter how sincere and touching their speeches were, the public are always too quick to notice the huge contradictions, especially between Melania Trump and Donald Trump.