Ivanka Trump had a well-meaning suggestion to many families staying at home amid the coronavirus pandemic. The daughter of President Donald Trump posted a photo where she's camping out with her kids in the living room.

In the post, Ivanka wrote that camping out with the kids is a fun activity to bring families together while in quarantine. She suggested using a bedsheet taped on some brooms for an instant indoor camping activity.

However, critics of the Trumps stormed Ivanka's post on Twitter to demand real action from the government to solve this public health crisis. Some posts ridiculed Ivanka by calling her Camping Barbie and Pandemic Barbie.

According to Mother Jones, Ivanka's camping tip was an insult to struggling parents who could face unemployment or the shatter of their business if they get sick or have to stop work because of this health crisis. Many regarded the presidential daughter's social media post as a display of privilege while some blamed his father for the current state of the country.

Celebrity Chrissy Teigen was more direct with Ivanka and asked her for the COVID-19 tests. She was referring to a report that stated the U.S. has not been equipped to do the coronavirus testing eight weeks after the first case was reported in the country.

According to NPR, the U.S. government will be rolling out its drive through diagnostic sites in at least 12 states. One site is already operational in Virginia Beach, where spring break parties are underway. So far, a few people are coming in but the White House said the tests will not be 100 percent perfect.

The purpose of these sites it to relieve the emergency rooms of patients coming in for a diagnosis when hospitals are at capacity. It will also help health workers determine who is really sick and must have priority access to COVID-19 care.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the coronavirus is officially a pandemic after it killed over 7,000 patients around the world. Many of the casualties are the elderly while 80 percent of. those below 60 years old present mild symptoms likened to the flu.

The White House released a 15-day guideline to control the spread of coronavirus and flatten the curve. As with guidelines all over the world, Americans are encouraged to stay at home, practice good hygiene, limit their trips to crowded places like restaurants or shopping centers, limit their social visits and nursing home visits, and observe social distancing.