If you often feel fatigued and tired during the day in spite of getting enough sleep, blame it on your food habits. 

Skipping meals and not eating at the proper time can actually contribute to your feeling of tiredness. Additionally, eating a lot can make you sluggish as all of your energy is consumed in the process of digesting the food.

So, to keep fatigue at bay, you should work on eating the right food. 

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has an antioxidant called apigenin, which known to fight off stress, insomnia, and fatigue. This tea comes without caffeine and can help in fending off a migraine.

Chamomile has been found to help regulate blood sugar and also fights inflammation, and improve skin health. So there's really no reason to skip drinking chamomile tea. 


A breakfast staple, eating oats is one of the best ways to start the day healthy. Oats are rich in fiber and protein. These are very easy to prepare, too. Simply add either almond milk or low-fat milk and they're good to go. 

If you want oats sweet, skip the sugar and add fruits instead. The best part about oats is that you don't need to eat a lot to feel full, giving you that much-needed energy boost. 


It goes without saying that nuts are very enjoyable to eat. They make great snacks because they taste great and give you an energy boost. It doesn't matter what type of nut you choose -- hazelnuts, cashew, pecans, Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts -- they're all healthy! This food will also keep you feel full longer. 

Leafy veggies

You can't go wrong eating greens. Include a diet with lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, broccoli, and spinach, as these are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Green leafy vegetables are great for salads and soups. 

Fresh fruits

Fruits are also essential for our health. And eating plenty and regularly will solve your fatigue issue. And choose seasonal fruits! These are best because they ripen without the need for chemicals. 

Seasonal suits are great sources of iron, potassium, magnesium, and co-enzyme Q10 -- all of which can help your body save energy. 

Healthy foods are your go-to to have that burst of energy your body is lacking. In addition to the foods listed above, make sure to drink plenty of water as well. These simple changes can make a huge difference. You'll feel healthy and energetic in no time!