Starting your day with nutritious foods for breakfast will help you conserve energy, avoid hunger attacks, and lose weight. Data suggests that regular breakfast eaters appear to be leaner, and when you eat breakfast, you are more effective at losing weight and holding it off. What's more, people who eat breakfast, including fiber and vitamins, usually get more of certain essential nutrients.

To help you lose weight, read on to discover some of the most nutritious foods to eat for breakfast, and why they are so good for you.


A large egg has 6 grams of protein and 70 calories. Protein leaves you satisfied longer as compared to carbs and fat. Plus, those who ate breakfast eggs felt fuller longer in one study and lost more than twice as much weight than someone who had the same amount of calories from a breakfast bagel.

And if you only eat egg whites, you will also miss half the protein that makes eggs a good option as your breakfast. In addition, the yolk is rich in healthy nutrients, such as calcium, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for the eyes.

Yolks are a significant food cholesterol source. But dietary cholesterol is no longer such a villain for the heart, and researchers believe one whole egg is good for most people every day.


Oatmeal will help you lose weight because it's fiber-packed and lasts you longer. New research showed that having a slow-release breakfast 3 hours before exercise will help you burn more fat. How is this so? Carbohydrates that are classified as "slow-release" do not spike sugar from the blood as high as refined carbohydrates. In turn, the levels of insulin are not so high. Since the body signals fat, insulin will help you burn fat by getting lower blood sugar levels.


A recent report released by the New England Journal of Medicine and Harvard revealed which diets encouraged weight loss and are associated with weight change. One of them was yogurt! Another reason for consuming yogurt: if you're trying to get leaner, the protein in it can give you an extra edge.

Naturally, protein is filling and takes more time to digest than simple carbohydrates. People shed almost 4 pounds more and almost an inch more from their waists over six months when they consumed a whey protein drink and felt less hungry than individuals offered a carbohydrate shake instead.

Save calories by choosing plain yogurt. For sweetness, add fresh fruits.