Keeping oneself healthy is already a huge task that requires careful food choices. The pressure to be in the best of health increases since you now have to take care of yourself and your little one. Knowing the fragile state of your baby would also require some dietary changes to ensuer that your little one receives the right kind of nutrition.

Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, RD, a registered dietitian, in Well and Good, pointed out some of the best foods that you need to help repair the wear and tear that your body experienced during childbirth. According to Beckerman, at postpartum, your body starts repairing, and thus, it would need more protein in order for you to repair damaged tissues and muscles. Eating an extra serving of protein daily as part of one's postnatal nutrition will greatly help.

Beckerman also pointed out that if you would choose to breastfeed your baby, then all the more that you must be mindful of your food intake. Anything that you eat will contribute to the flavor of your breastmilk. Eating a variety of foods exposes your baby to a host of flavors, which could help him open to new flavors as he grows.

Here are some of the recommended foods that could help you repair damage to the body and manage stress levels:

Salmon. Yes, it is time to indulge in some protein-filled salmon. This food is said to come close to being the perfect food that you can eat after giving birth. This fish contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which help in reducing inflammation. This aspect is very important for mothers who are healing postpartum. Salmon is also a good protein source, which helps the body repair tissues.

Lentils. These are filled with iron, protein and fiber. After giving birth, eating lentils can help replenish your iron stores. The minimum requirement of iron per day is at 18 mg. These also help in regulating blood sugar.

Eggs. Obviously, eggs are among the most versatile foods at home. They are high in protein, contains vitamin D and are also great sources of iron. Eggs also contain choline, which helps in the body's cellular growth and metabolism.

Complex Carbs. These foods must not be missed. They are good sources of fiber, folic acid and iron. Some examples are whole wheat breads, barley, quinoa, potatoes, corn and legumes.

Lean Meat. These are high in protein and helps in rebuilding damaged tissues and muscles. Some examples of lean meat are turkey, red meat, skinless chicken, and pork chops with fat trimmed.