Great as a snack or main dish, cranberries are a low-key superfruit With only 50 calories and only 4 grams of sugar per cup, these berries are low in calories and sugar, particularly when compared to other fruits.

A cup of this seasonal fruit contains only four grams of naturally occurring sugar per cup of fruit. Thanks to their red-purple pigment, cranberries produce polyphenols, a form of antioxidant class associated with a decreased risk of chronic disease.

Cranberries also pack almost 20% of your daily vitamin C content and produce a multitude of antioxidants in the form of polyphenol compounds that when metabolized, form new bioactive compounds that may aid with gastrointestinal health and overall immunity.

As a fruit, cranberries can offer prebiotic fiber that serves support to your body's probiotics, healthy bacteria found in your GI tract called a microbiome, a membrane that acts as the first line of protection of your immune system.

Also, cranberries, due to their antioxidant content, may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by minimizing oxidative stress caused by chronic inflammation.

Are dried cranberries good for you? 

Nope-Fresh or frozen are normally better when it comes to almost any fruit or vegetable. This is because the drying process concentrates the sugar found in the fruit or vegetables themselves, increasing the total sugar content while reducing the water and fiber content.

Is it healthy to eat raw cranberries?

It's ideal to buy fresh, raw cranberries during the season (September and October months). They can be refrigerated or frozen for later use. The skins hold all of the beneficial properties, so your best choice is to add 'em whole to cereals or oats, mix into a smoothie, or use them in cooking and baking while you're after a tart taste.

Does cranberry juice cure UTI?

Besides the influence of the placebo effect, unfortunately, neither cranberries nor cranberry juice can rid you of a UTI. This is because it will take a very high concentration of cranberries to resist bacterial adhesion, thereby removing the infection in your body and nixing the inflammatory reaction triggered by such an infection.

It is difficult to get close to the recommended amount of PAC to have a curing impact with cranberry juice alone. Remember: It has also been found that eating whole, fresh cranberries decrease the chance of developing a UTI, but does not necessarily help to treat it.