Many companies around the world have started programs to help animals, the environment, and other noble causes, but some companies focus on helping other people.

College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving

Based in Tampa, Florida, College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving has helped over 100 people in abusive homes move out.

College Hunks co-founder Nick Friedman noted that the company's Free Moves for Survivors of Domestic Violence program allows for "a really important issue that is not often talked about" to be out in the open.

The program has also become a lighthouse for people in abusive relationships or homes during the pandemic as cities go on partial lockdown and people are forced to stay in relationships that they no longer want to be in.

College Hunks' program includes free use of its trucks as well as labor, making it easier for people struggling financially and domestically to have better chances of moving forward.


Social adaptability company Amped2Play has been distributing boxes to families across Cochrane in Alberta, Canada to help reduce isolation during the COVID-19 era.

Dubbed as ISOLOVETOPLAY boxes, the boxes are filled up with crafts materials and other items aimed at encouraging people to battle isolation and loneliness during lockdowns.

The boxes are then distributed to vulnerable groups, families, seniors, and students who spend more time indoors or inside their houses due to lockdown orders.

The program's goal is to engage people in "physical activity and motor skills development, cognitive activity and social-emotional connection."

Among the facilities that received ISOLOVETOPLAY boxes are the Grande Avenue Village, Points West Living, the Bethany Care Society, and Big Hill Lodge.

Built Oregon

As the U.S. remains the hardest-hit country in the world, a nonprofit in Portland, Oregon, created the website Built Oregon to help the community find locally-sourced products and items.

With over 2,000 products to choose from, Oregon locals can find products from their local retailer, company, or restaurant - products that were all produced by people living in the state.

The website offers a portal for the community to explore the marketplace. The website also promotes businesses owned and operated by African-Americans.

Aside from a Board of Directors that runs the program, the website also has a Community Council whom the residents can approach should they have suggestions or queries about the products.

The goal is to make it easier for residents to shop for locally-produced goods without putting their health at risk during the pandemic.

Genusee Eyewear

Besides recycling single-use water bottles and transforming them into eyewear, Genusee Eyewear has helped create jobs in Flint, Michigan.

The company aims to reduce waste in the environment, but more than its goal of helping free oceans of water bottles, the company also helps people who were recently released from prison.

Genusee Eyewear's employees include people who were incarcerated and freed, individuals with disabilities, and locals who are "structurally unemployable."

One pair of glasses is made in about a week from a collection of 15 single-use water bottles.