The popular online multiplayer social deduction game "Among Us" has gained more popularity in the wake of the pandemic. The game recently launched on the hybrid console Nintendo Switch. Players who would like to know more about the emergency meeting in the game could use some of these tips and tricks.

What is an Emergency Meeting in "Among Us"

In "Among Us," calling for an emergency meeting is a special privilege. With this power, players could draw everyone back to the table for a discussion, where a round of voting could happen. If a player finds himself with a piece of valuable information, knowing how to call an emergency meeting in "Among Us" is crucial.

How To Call an Emergency Meeting In "Among Us"

"Among Us" players will need to find a table where everyone could stand around when calling for an emergency meeting. This table is the one that everyone goes to each time a body is found and reported. In the center of the table, players could find a big red button under a glass case. Players need to hit it to call for an emergency meeting.

It is important that "Among Us" players press the red button or the Use icon. They should wait for the countdown to end until they hit the big red button. When all these are executed, an emergency meeting would be called.

Important Points To Remember

It is worth noting that on the maps, Polus and Mira HQ, players do not spawn around the voting table. This means that if players would like to find the emergency meeting button, they would need to find it in office areas and in the cafeteria. It is important to remember a few things when planning to call for an emergency meeting.

Depending on the settings, players could only have one emergency meeting in every match. In other words, if the players call for one, they would not be able to call for another one for the rest of the match. Also, there is a cooldown on the emergency meeting button, which players should take caution, particularly if an impostor is nearby.

If the player is an impostor in "Among Us," calling for an emergency meeting ensures that no body has been found yet. It is useful, especially if the player is leaving a murder room and is going straight to the discussion table. If they saw a crewmate going the other way, they could use the button to pull them away, disabling them to perform their tasks.