miHoyo recently announced that it acknowledges another issue plaguing one of its contentious five-star character Zhongli. The gaming studio earlier promised that it would roll out the necessary improvements fans have been requesting about the Geo-element character. However, it appears that there is another issue surrounding Zhongli and miHoYo now promises to give players free Primogems as a form of compensation for the bug.

Latest Announcement

"Genshin Impact" shared this announcement on its official Facebook account. In the announcement, miHoYo acknowledged that it discovered another issue that affects Zhongli's Passive Talent Resonant Waves. The issue is that when the Jade Shield deals damage, it does not Fortify as anticipated. miHoYo assured players that it is working hard to resolve the issue and the fix might become available on Jan. 4 with the rollout of another update.

Aside from apologizing for the inconvenience the issue has caused to Travelers, miHoYo says it will distribute compensation to "Genshin Impact" players after the issue is fixed. The compensation is in the form of 100 free Primogems. It is worth noting that the free in-game currency will be available to players after the issue is resolved and not prior to that.

Zhongli is one of the heavily criticized characters released in "Genshin Impact." miHoYo has responded to fans' concerns about Zhongli after it earlier dismissed the complaints as 'misguided.' Later the gaming studio conceded to fans' demands about the Geo-character not getting a true five-star character treatment and promised to roll out the necessary fix.

The new bug should not be much of a concern to "Genshin Impact" players, though. miHoYo could definitely fix the new bug. It is also nice to know that the game developer is taking the Zhongli issue seriously and wants to reward players with 100 free Primogems as an assurance that it is indeed going to fix the bug.

Zhongli Treats "Genshin Impact" Players

This is not the only Zhongli-related gift that miHoyo rewards "Genshin Impact" players. On Dec. 31, players were surprised to discover that when they logged in, a special message from Zhongli is in their inboxes. The Geo character's birthday happens to be on New Year's eve, and as a form of "blow out," it gifts players with a short 'thank you' note and some items.

"Genshin Impact" recently received update 1.2, which introduced the Dragonspine region along with a plethora of new features and content. There are missions and quests that players could enjoy during the Chalk Prince and the Dragon event.