A new study suggests that zinc supplements may mitigate fertility issues in both and women.

Researchers described how zinc may be able to prevent mitochondrial damage to young sperm and egg cells, according to the study. 

Published in the journal Reproductive Sciences, this study focused on the physical and mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on human health and how, if anything, it impacted male and female fertility.

Researchers at the Wayne State University School of Medicine, who led the study, found that zinc could improve immunity to the virus.

Husam Abu-Soud, associate professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the CS Mott Center for Growth and Development, noted in the study that in addition to the benefits that supplements can offer couples attempting to conceive during a pandemic, up to 50 mg of zinc could be crucial to improving immunity and combating COVID-19. This reaction works by combating oxidative cell damage.

Abu-Soud and co-authors, while studying the pathophysiology of COVID-19 and its function in reproduction, observed that zinc deficiency may cause mitochondrial damage to the immature egg and sperm, thereby preventing reproduction and conception.

According to Abu-Soud, Zinc has beneficial effects when acting as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It can play a part in blocking and shielding egg and sperm cells from damage as a result of the body's immune system fighting against the coronavirus. The use of zinc may boost the quality of the embryo and may reduce the risk of pregnancy complications.

Apart from beans, nuts, and cereals, zinc may also be taken in a supplemental form by capsules, pills, and liquid. Adults over 19 years of age who include zinc as part of their supplemental diet are recommended not to exceed 40 mg per day because too much zinc can cause serious health concerns.

Researchers warned that zinc alone may not be able to completely reverse the process once widespread cell damage has occurred. However, when taken before the cytokine storm phase, zinc supplements, as a pro-antioxidant agent, given to those infected with COVID-19 in the early stages, can help by suppressing viral replication and preventing cellular damage.