According to research, eating high-nutrient plant foods helps people achieve their ideal weight, reverses sickness, and decreases the need for overeating and cravings.

The Nutritarian Diet has all the markings of a popular diet program, promising rapid weight loss in a matter of weeks, not needing dieters to track calories, and even allowing for the occasional cheat snack. However, unlike other trendy diets that are now popular, the Nutritarian regimen merely promotes greens and plant-based staples on their own.

For those who have never heard of it, the Nutritarian Diet is similar to a Flexitarian diet, but with a greater emphasis on vegetables and fruit, which means you must avoid animal proteins, dairy products, and practically all processed and packaged foods.

The lifestyle is mostly based on a handbook created by Joel Fuhrman, M.D., a family physician who devoted his life as president of the Nutritional Research Foundation creating awareness about proper nutritional standards.

Fuhrman's advice has been implemented in a variety of menu plans and has since expanded into a whole spectrum of food items such as supplements, energy bars, sauces and condiments, and alternative pasta.

Here's how to get the Nutritarian Diet started.

Eat at Mealtimes Only

This means no snacking is permitted. Eat till you're satisfied, then quit when you're satisfied. Allow at least 13 hours between your last meal and breakfast to allow your body to enter the catabolic (fat-burning) phase of digestion.

Avoid Sweets

Sugar and other sweeteners, oil, salt, processed baked goods, and white flour products are all found in processed baked goods. They are disease-causing, addicting, and depression-inducing.

Replace One Meal a Day with a Salad

Every day, eat a large salad. Use lettuce and tomatoes, but don't forget to add shredded raw cruciferous vegetables, onions, scallions, and, of course, a delicious spice made with nuts and seeds to the top.

Eat your G-BOMBS

Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds are the most nutritious, anti-cancer superfoods on the earth, and these are the most nutritious, anti-cancer superfoods on the planet. Make it a point to include them in your diet on a daily basis.

The Bottomline

The Nutritarian Diet's reliance on high-fiber vegetables and unprocessed foods appears to be a good thing at first glance, but strict "detox" cycles can cause adjustment problems for most people, and the extreme restriction in the three food groups that you should consume every day will cause more harm than good.

If you wish to attempt this diet, we recommend a gradual introduction of vegetables and a reduction in animal products, since you should always be cautious of your body and allow it time to adjust.