"Hunter x Hunter" Chapter 399 spoilers are now out, revealing Nobunaga and Hinrigh have finally found the Heil-Ly hideout. Titled "Departure," the new duo will be starting their investigation, though Heil-Ly's boss, Morena Prudo, isn't in the location.

Warning: The following content contains major "Hunter x Hunter" Chapter 399 spoilers. Read at your own risk.

Nobunaga and Hinrigh find no one in the hideout, but they're confident someone is there with the several civilians that have gone missing. This makes Nobunaga think those people are maybe the Heil-Ly family's allies, realizing it's probably a trap.

Hinrigh tries to console Nobunaga and explains that the civilians may be killed and moved elsewhere. So instead of checking the laundry room, they go to the last room and see the eight Heil-Ly members, Terebellum, Yokotani, Orarge, Gelato, Soufflé, Montblanc, Chiffon, and Perigord.

Fearing that the room may have a trap, they just stay by the door while Hinrigh throws a shiv at Terebellum, though to no avail. The eight aren't fazed by their arrival in their hideout "Hunter x Hunter" Chapter 399, not even flinching a bit.

Yokotani even approaches them and introduces himself as he already knows the two. However, as Nobunaga feels the mock, he throws his katana at him, surprisingly not affecting him again.

The enemy later uses his technique to evict Hinrigh and Nobunaga. He possesses the defensive ability to expel intruders who will infiltrate their hideout, especially where Morena is located.

Meanwhile, "Hunter x Hunter" Chapter 398 saw Nobunaga, Phinks, and Feitan looking for the Heil-Ly family as they try to decode the spell in room 3101. They barged into the room next to it to force the people living there to enter the trap room through the toilet.

They did as they were asked, but they didn't disappear as expected. The three then asked them to get out of the room through the door where the trap was most likely laid, but they weren't transported elsewhere.

Nobunaga then ordered them to return to the room, but they saw it as their chance to escape, though Feitan caught them. Left with no choice, they entered the room through the main door, proving everyone's hunch that the spell was laid in the main entrance as the family disappeared.

From there, Nobunaga and Hinrigh use themselves as bait to see the Heil-Ly family's hideout, and what happens from here can be seen when "Hunter x Hunter" Chapter 399 drops on Sunday, December 18.