Despite frequently expressing their desire for a private life, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, seemed to invite public attention during a recent event. On May 16, they reportedly chose to depart through the main entrance, offering a golden photo opportunity to a gathering of paparazzi, before an alleged harrowing car chase unfolded.
The royal pair exited the Ziegfeld Theater in Midtown Manhattan with a pronounced flair. Meghan dazzled in a shimmering gold dress, while Harry was dapper in a dark suit accented with a light blue tie. They offered a charismatic display, hand-in-hand, offering smiles to the awaiting photographers before getting into their vehicle.
Interestingly, even though they had engaged Chris Sanchez, a former secret service agent known for his adeptness at discreet exits, the Sussexes opted for the conspicuous front exit.
"A source indicated that Harry and Meghan were ready to provide the paparazzi with photo opportunities at the event's conclusion," The Post reported. "Their departure was, however, the start of them being followed."
The Sussexes' representative hailed the photos as "some of the most beautiful images of the evening." However, things reportedly took a turn for the worse shortly after, as the couple was allegedly involved in a high-speed pursuit, leading to multiple near-miss incidents.
In a statement, their representative relayed, "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Ms. Ragland were involved in a near catastrophic car chase at the hands of a ring of highly aggressive paparazzi," adding that it was a "relentless pursuit, lasting over two hours."
The Sussexes stressed that while they appreciate the public's interest, it "should never come at the cost of anyone's safety." They criticized the manner in which the images were acquired and warned against such intrusive practices.
Meanwhile, the photo agency implicated in the alleged pursuit presented their perspective on the incident. "We value transparency and ethics in journalism," began their statement, which also disputed the claims about the dangerous chase.
The photographers on site reported no near-misses or crashes during the incident, according to the agency. They stated that they were investigating the matter further and reiterated their stance against harassment or illegal activities.