The widening rift within Britain's royal family has taken another turn, with sources close to Princess Kate Middleton indicating her reluctance to reconcile with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Despite Prince William's hopes for a repaired relationship, Kate remains "not ready" to extend an olive branch to the Sussexes, following their departure from the U.K. and subsequent public disclosures.

Royal expert Jennie Bond, in her comments to Bella Magazine, highlighted the depth of Kate's hurt, particularly due to Harry's "brutal attacks" on William. These revelations, shared in Harry's memoir 'Spare' and the Netflix docuseries 'Harry & Meghan,' have reportedly left Kate feeling "upset, hurt and insulted."

The divide appears to have been exacerbated by cultural clashes, as Meghan recalled her initial interactions with the British royal family. In the docuseries, she noted her surprise at the formality that persisted even in private settings and her unawareness of protocols like curtsying to Queen Elizabeth. These candid reflections by the Duchess of Sussex have contributed to an air of discomfort and disconnection within the royal family.

According to insiders, Kate, who has often played the role of a peacemaker, now feels compelled to step back, citing that "things have gone too far." The Duchess of Cambridge reportedly harbors no current desire to communicate with Harry and Meghan, echoing a sentiment of deep-seated hurt from the ongoing familial discord.

While there have been speculations about a potential royal Christmas reunion, reports suggest that no such invitation has been extended to the Sussexes. This absence of an overture for reconciliation underscores the persisting strain between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family.

The situation remains fluid, with Harry's occasional visits to the U.K. for legal matters and public appearances not yet serving as a catalyst for family healing. The intricate dynamics within the royal family continue to evolve, with public and private narratives painting a complex picture of unity and division.

This developing story in the British monarchy highlights not only the personal struggles within one of the world's most scrutinized families but also the broader challenges of balancing public duty with private relationships in the modern era.