Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, faces the possibility of being dropped by her talent agency, William Morris Endeavour, following the controversy sparked by Omid Scobie's new book, "Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival."

This potential fallout, as reported by royal author Angela Levin on GB News, comes in the wake of Scobie's book unintentionally revealing two senior royals-identified in a Dutch translation as Princess Kate and King Charles-as having previously expressed concerns about the skin color of Prince Archie before his birth.

Levin, speaking with Patrick Christys on GB News, suggested that the talent agency is "horrified" not just by the identification of the royals but also by the implications for their client, Meghan. The agency, according to Levin, has expressed concerns about the continuous scandal surrounding Meghan and the challenges it presents in maintaining her public image and securing deals. "They said they were 'horrified', that can't just be about the two names that were mentioned, it must be about their client, Meghan," Levin stated.

The controversy stems from a 2021 interview Meghan and Prince Harry gave to Oprah Winfrey, where Meghan, who is biracial, alleged that a member of the royal family had raised questions about "how dark" Archie's skin would be when he was born. This allegation had already stirred significant public and media attention, and the recent development with Scobie's book has reignited the debate.

Levin went on to explain that the ongoing scandal could significantly impact Meghan's career, with her talent agency potentially reevaluating its relationship with her. "It is going to be very difficult to get the glamour she wants," Levin remarked, suggesting that Meghan's need for constant adoration could clash with the agency's commercial interests.

Scobie, for his part, has denied deliberately naming the two royals in his manuscript, attributing the error to a translation mistake. The Royal Family, meanwhile, is reportedly "considering all options" in response to these "wildly inaccurate" claims.

This situation places Meghan in a precarious position. As an agency insider told the Express, there are potential deals on the table for Meghan that could quickly vanish if the controversy continues. This scenario underscores the challenges faced by public figures in managing their reputations and relationships with professional agencies in the face of media scrutiny and public opinion.

Meghan's relationship with her talent agency, pivotal to her public persona and professional endeavors, now hangs in the balance, highlighting the intricate dynamics between personal controversies and professional partnerships in the high-stakes world of celebrity and royalty.