Prince Harry's sudden odd crying spree has friends worried he's on the edge of a mental breakdown as his schism with the royal family develops, and a new report suggested that he should check into a top mental clinic right away.

Courtiers claimed that during the Duke of Sussex' recent visit to England, King Charles' youngest son burst into tears when he learned that the monarch had appointed older brother Prince William, 41, colonel-in-chief of Harry's old military unit.

“This was a shocking — and deliberate — slap in the face for the king’s son. This is sending a clear message Harry is out as a key member of the royal family and is being stripped of his military honors — just like his sex creep uncle Andrew, the disgraced Duke of York. It hit Harry where it hurts — because he’s always been proud of putting himself in harm’s way to protect Britain,” the unnamed source told Globe Magazine.

During his military career, Prince Harry flew Apache assault helicopters on two dangerous missions in Afghanistan. So he was upset when his father awarded the accolade to Prince William, who flew search and rescue flights during the Falkland Islands conflict.

King Charles lauded Prince William, adding, "The great thing is he's a very good pilot indeed," whereas bona fide combat hero Harry was ignored and belittled. The courtier alleged that Prince Harry, 39, was "raging" against his older brother, the Prince of Wales, and "verbally attacking" him from behind closed doors.

“It was distressing to hear Harry vent in that manner, blaming William — and Charles — for taking the honor he believed should have been his. Harry’s flown Apaches, received medals and was recognized by the late queen for his ‘service to the sovereign.’ Of course, Harry took this development as a direct slap in the face,” the insider stated.

Ironically, PEOPLE reported Prince Harry was pleased to visit England to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Invictus Games, a sports competition charity he founded to assist wounded, sick, and injured military personnel.

“He was excited, elated actually, but then news of William’s promotion hit him like a ton of bricks. He was overcome with emotion and barely managed to keep himself together for his event. “It’s another trauma to add to an already long list of traumas. No one thinks Harry will be able to recover on his own,” the informant said.

The Duke of Sussex had initially hoped to see his cancer patient dad during his visit, but was told the 75-year-old king was too busy, as per Daily Mail. Tipsters said Prince Harry was offered a place to stay by King Charles while he was in, but the peeved prince turned him down.

“The feeling was if Charles couldn’t be bothered to see him, then why would he accept his father’s offer to stay in one of the royal residences? Harry stayed at a hotel. It was a show of defiance that further defined the rift between father and son. It’s easy to understand Harry’s hurt, but there’s a lot more pent-up anger that needs to be sorted out by one or more professionals,” the mole shared.

Prince Harry has been a longtime advocate for mental health and therapy.

“The belief is Harry is already in therapy as a result of losing his mother, Princess Diana, in a 1997 car crash. But all the hate and grief directed his way on a minute-by-minute basis is making him even more vulnerable. He’s done everything he can to swagger around and not be affected by all the critics and others who brand him as a traitor and ingrate. The truth is he’s deeply affected. He’s become a pariah in his homeland. Even if his recent visit did go well from all outward appearances, the hurt and rejection must linger,” the snitch said.

According to reports, Prince Harry's wife, Meghan, is exacerbating the problem by airing a laundry list of grievances against her in-laws while her ambition to become a Hollywood power player unravels in public. Since quitting Britain, the Sussexes have continually fallen on their faces — with the most recent controversy involving their

State officials in California prohibited the Archewell Foundation from taking charitable donations or disbursing funds, according to BBC. Officials stated that the group failed to satisfy filing deadlines and pay fees on time, but is now in good standing.

“Still, this is another huge blow to the Sussexes. No wonder he’s very down and the feeling is his emotional problems will only get worse if not treated in a hospital, in a safe and professional environment. But getting Harry to agree to such a thing is the hard part,” the source added.

Business Times has reached out to Prince Harry for comments.