3D Printing

The Latest

  • Couple Moves Into Europe's First Fully 3D-Printed House
    The unique 1,000-square-foot home was fully built using a 3D printer in just 120 hours.
  • The Industries 3D Printing Is Helping Reshape
    3D printer
    3D printing has come a long way, and it continues to inspire changes in other industries.
  • KFC Working With Russian Firm To Develop Lab-Grown Chicken Nuggets
    KFC Chicken Nuggets
    KFC and 3D Bioprinting Solutions plan to use actual animal proteins and materials to "print" chicken nuggets that mimick the taste and consistency of KFC's iconic menu item.
  • Germany's Top Polymer Maker To Bank On China's Fast-Growing Industries
    German polymer manufacturer to provide high-tech coating to China's bullet trains
  • Food Tech Predicted To Help Deliver Industry Transformation And Advancement
    Augmented reality
    Dominic Blakemore, CEO of Compass Group, predicted that various forms of food tech will transform the industry in the future. He said augmented reality, AI, and 3D printing will spur technological advancements in the global food market.