General Electric

The Latest

  • US Grants GE Permission To Sell Engines For Use In New Chinese Jet
    General Electric Co
    The license will allow GE to supply its CFM LEAP-1C jet engine to be used in China new COMAC C919 passenger jet.
  • GE Workers Demand Company To Use Laid-Off Personnel To Produce Ventilators
    Picture shows a special respiration device in an intensive care unit
    GE workers demanded their expertise be put to good use to mitigate the current shortfall in ventilators.
  • General Electric Joins Global Fight Vs Pandemic By Making Ventilators
    Medical facilities in the U.S. are bracing for an increase in patients as the epidemic escalates
  • GE Stock Down 5%, Plunges In Last 10 Consecutive Trading
    The company's 10-day losing streak marks the longest such drop since the 9-day streak in April 2019.
  • Trump Admin Considers Blocking GE Jet Engine Sale To China
    Planned blocking of engine sale to China is the latest issue in showdown between the two economic superpowers
  • Qatar Airways Announces $4 Billion Purchase Of CFM Engines
    Joint venture between General Electric and rival United Technologies inked for a large jet-engines
  • GE Suspends Pensions And Offers Workers Lump Sum Deal Instead
    Analysts say pension freeze mirrors market trends, but buyouts don't seem like a healthy proposition
  • GE To Freeze Pension Of Thousands Of Employees To Reduce Deficit
    General Electric
    GE announced on Monday that it would be freezing the pension benefits of more than 20,000 of its employees in its latest attempt to reduce its deficit.
  • No Commitment From Emirates Airlines Due To Instability of Rolls-Royce Engine Program
    Emirates Airlines Says No To New Boeing And Airbus Planes
    No new Airbus and Boeing planes for Emirates Airlines until GE and Rolls-Royce improve their reliability.
  • GE Shares Drop Following Madoff Whistleblower Fraud Accusations
    General Electric
    Accounting expert Harry Markopolos published a 175-page report on Thursday that accused GE of engaging in fraudulent activities estimated to be worth $38 billion.
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