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  • Medieval Remedy Could Provide New Treatment for Modern Day Infections
    Using the ‘Balds eyesalve’ medieval mixture containing everyday natural ingredients such as garlic, researchers from the University of Warwick have found it was effective against five bacteria that cause modern-day biofilm infections.
  • How And Why Are Scientists Growing Organs In Space?
    NASA astronaut Bob Behnken arrives at the International Space Station aboard SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule in this still image taken from video
    Though they still have a long way to go, researchers at the International Space Station (ISS) hope to eventually assemble organs from adult human cells, including stem cells.
  • COVID-19 May Cause Neurological Problems, Study Finds
    ICU patient
    Published in the journal Brain, the research team identified one rare and sometimes fatal inflammatory condition, known as ADEM, which appears to be increasing in prevalence due to the pandemic.