
The Latest

  • Here's Why Polio Could Still Spread Despite A High Vaccination Rate
    Only one recent case of polio has been reported in the United States, paralyzing a young adult in Rockland County, New York.
  • About The Reemergence Of Polio And How To Avoid It
    For the first time in decades, polio, a fatal disease that used to paralyze tens of thousands of children each year, is spreading in London, New York, and Jerusalem, prompting catch-up vaccination campaigns.
  • Polio Returns To U.S. After Nearly A Decade Of Zero Cases
    The U.S. polio case manifested as paralysis and weakness, according to the Rockland County health commissioner.
  • Acute Flaccid Myelitis: Digging Deeper Into This Mysterious Disease
    Sick Person
    Another mysterious illness is now enveloping the corners of the US.