
The Latest

  • Pennsylvania Man, A QAnon Believer, Arrested for Father's Murder and Disturbing Video, Sparks Outrage
    Pennsylvania Man, A QAnon Believer, Arrested for Father's Murder and Disturbing Video, Sparks Outrage
    Justin Mohn, 32, has been charged with the brutal murder of his father, Michael Mohn. The gruesome nature of the crime, compounded by the accused's decision to broadcast his act on social media, has ignited discussions on the intersection of mental health, online radicalization, and the responsibilities of digital platforms.
  • Donald Trump Attends Anti-Child Trafficking Fundraiser At Mar-A-Lago With QAnon, 'Pizzagate' Conspiracy Theorist Liz Crokin
    The D
    Former President Donald Trump hosted an event at his Mar-A-Lago club Tuesday that featured well-known QAnon adherent Liz Crokin as a speaker
  • Facebook To Remove All QAnon Pages, Groups, Accounts
    A representative said accounts that mention the group or share content will not be removed.
  • Twitter Removes 7,000 Accounts Linked To QAnon Conspiracy Group
    QAnon Conspiracy Theories
    Twitter is now actively suspending accounts that tweeting topics promoted by QAnon, particularly accounts that violate its multi-account policy.