"No Man's Sky" is best known as that ambitious space exploration game that had a topsy-turvy debut. Hello Games effectively hyped the game although gamers who tried it out ended up disappointed. In short, many were disappointed and felt that game content was not as promised.

There were over 212,000 concurrent users on Steam who wanted to see just how good “No Man’s Sky” was. Originally promised for gamers were 18 quintillion planets to explore. Instead, most saw recurring gaming landscapes and dealt with mediocre game performance.

The blame game was in play when it launched in 2016, mostly pointed at the marketing and promotions of the game. Despite the criticism, Sean Murray and company vowed that they would make the game better. They did so after releasing a variety of updates to improve the gaming experience.

Among the updates that were released include the Foundation, Path Finder and Atlas Rises updates, each incrementally improving the game elements. This included buildings and land vehicles that somehow appeased gamers who kept the faith in “No Man’s Sky.”

Keeping its head above water, the game changer came in the form of the Next update. The latest patch brings in a large number of changes, all of which are detailed in a blog post from the official “No Man’s Sky” website.

Better graphics headlines the list of improvements on the Next update, one of the critical complaints gamers singled out in 2016. Aside from that, multiplayer gaming possibilities have been broadened. Players can now group up and build communal bases, farms, and racetracks.

Character customization is another new feature to look forward to, allowing gamers to enhance and personalize their in-game performance. Players can switch races and wear outfits, an appealing new feature for people who want their character to standout, Game Spot said.

Similar to other games, not all players on “No Man’s Sky” are expected to play nice. There are some who could be posing as allies or friends, only to turn at an opportune moment. The Next update allows players to prey to survive. This should serve as fair warning to players on other players they meet and draw the line when it comes to trust.

For players who are starting out, new story elements have been added. There are now tutorials and missions pegged to help guide any player before starting their planet exploration.

Another improvement has to do with the creatures players come across. They will now act more enthusiastically especially if fed. This, in turn, can lead to herding although it depends on how they react. Their intelligence level has been tweaked, meaning they can either be friendly or dangerous. A wrong perception could lead to dire consequences, including the possibility of getting killed.

These and more updates have helped boost “No Man’s Sky” to the top of the Steam charts, Tech Spot said. It is currently the seventh most popular game with over 90,000 players hooked to it. The game is currently available on all platforms (PS4, PC, and the Xbox One).