Folks who are still playing “Pokemon Go” are aware that updates and new stuff normally come out every year. Last year, the big news was the entry of the first Generation 3 Pokemon from the Hoenn region. Now, most are expecting new pocket monsters in the fray in the form of the Gen 4 Pokemon.

As mentioned in a previous post, there are some who believe that this may happen this month. Such is tied up to the Halloween season where Niantic is likely to hold new events, introduce new stuff or unleash some special pocket monsters to delight augmented reality gamers.

According to BGR, Niantic has revealed that fresh pocket monsters from the Sinnoh region will be spawning soon. To prepare for this, the development team has reportedly started making the necessary changes to the codes. Aside from the Gen 4 Pokemon, there will reportedly be tweaks made to the game to help promote balance and improved overall experience.

The fact that Niantic developers have started to work on the game codes is good news. Unfortunately, there is no official word on when the Gen 4 Pokemon Go monsters will be appearing, meaning all gamers can do for now is wait and see when they are ready for catching. Depending on the pace of the developers, they could be out as early as Halloween or the coming months.

According to Forbes, the Gen 4 starters include Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplip. Hence, this could be the first time that Niantic would actually be holding a generation launch, making the event itself rather tying it up to something else. Either way, augmented reality players are not expected to mind for as long as they see something new on Pokemon Go.

Equally interesting would be the tweaks to be made to balance the game. Niantic is reportedly making changes to the behavior and migration patterns of wild Pokemon and also adjustments on how effective some critters would be when it comes to battles.

Environmental factors like the weather will now have a reduced effect as far as spawn rate is concerned and a greater variety of pocket monsters will appear over time in certain regions at different rates. From the looks of it, the upcoming changes should atone for a more realistic clan of critters on Pokemon Go, properly defining which ones are truly made to do battle. It was not mentioned but it is likely that they will be hard to capture as well.