When it comes to achieving a fit body, the usual answer is exercise and eating a well-balanced diet. This does not always apply though for those who do not have time to hit the gym. Instead, they rely on weight loss supplements that help burn those unwanted body fats.

In this modern world of science and technology, anyone can easily be misled or tempted to take what is forbidden in the name of beauty. Some weight loss drugs do more than just burn fats. There are those that have adverse effects in the long term. It is best to steer clear from them and rely on doctor and nutritionist-approved supplements instead.

Take for instance probiotics. Taking certain probiotics that are present in yogurt or yogurt drinks is one method that doctors swear by to help with fat loss. This healthy bacteria, especially those from the Lactobacillus family, promotes better digestion and gut health. It helps fight off inflammation that could lead to digestive or metabolism issues, which could ultimately lead to a decrease in weight loss progress or weight gain. In simple terms, probiotics let you consume fewer calories from the food you eat and helps in the excretion of fats with feces.

Studies showed that those who consumed yogurt rich with Lactobacillus fermentum or Lactobacillus amylovorus had a four percent reduction of body fat in a six-week period. Meanwhile, those who took it within a three-month duration lost 50 percent more weight.

Another way to achieve weight loss is by incorporating Omega 3 fish oil in your diet. A clinical study done among those who exercise and consume this supplement showed a greater amount of weight loss, regardless if a restricted calorie diet.

Likewise, apple cider vinegar has long been touted as a weight loss supplement because of its acetic acid content. The acid decreases inflammation and helps with weight loss by maintaining the body's blood sugar level.

Dr. Lisa Davis, chief nutrition officer at Terra's Kitchen, said this fermented food helps with digestion and in the "growth of healthy gut flora." She cited prior studies that suggest apple cider vinegar also aids with belly fat loss.

Lastly, ginger consumption helps get rid of belly fat. It has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in the proper metabolism of excess adipose tissue or fat. Best of all, ginger decreases bloating and hunger, according to naturopathic physician Dr. Marizelle Arce. Ginger can be consumed in many ways including as tea, in your meal, or as a supplement in a capsule.