It is unlikely that Windows 10 will be released in a Home Ultra version following the spread of rumors that the new OS is debuting with a Dell XPS 2-in-1 device. Microsoft has confirmed the Windows edition does not exist and moving forward there will only be Windows 10 in the regular Home and Pro flavors.

Microsoft said the suggestion of a Windows 10 Home Ultra release, in fact, "created some confusion." According to Roanne Sones, a top executive of the company's operating system division, the flagship OS that powers personal computers will remain in the versions it is currently available.

"There's no special Ultra [edition], or anything different. It doesn't exist," Sones was reported by PC World as saying.

However, the Microsoft official did not address the speculation that a third Windows 10 edition will soon become available bearing the "Advanced" label. Reports have indicated that this OS version will cater to specific markets or for PC users with high-end components such as gaming enthusiasts, graphic designers, and content creators. And this can be had at an additional cost.

It must be noted though that Neowin has attributed the same concept to the rumored Windows 10 Home Ultra. The blog site said the Home Ultra is a version of Windows 10 that offers features normally found on the Professional version. It will be like enjoying Windows 10 Pro without actually upgrading, the report added.

But in an updated version of its report, Neowin said Home Ultra is unlikely to see the light of the day. "There is no new version of Windows called Windows 10 Home Ultra," the blog report quoted a Microsoft representative as saying.

And it makes sense that Windows 10 is sticking to two versions given that Microsoft once tried an S Edition of the OS that was eventually discontinued. As things stand now, the difference between Home and Pro is quite clear to users and having a version with overlapping features would only muddle the situation.

It seems unnecessary too that Windows 10 will require a feature boost as this is regularly carried out by Microsoft twice a year since the OS was first released on July 2015. The Spring and Fall Feature Upgrades in the past three years not only resulted in better stability for Windows 10 but also to more powerful and streamlined capabilities.

The Windows 10 May 2019 Update, for example, bumped up the OS to Version 1903 (codenamed 19H1) that allows for seamless interaction with mobile devices running on Google's Android mobile OS and ink-to-text recognition of simplified Chinese characters. These are but a few of the powerful innovations that prompted Windows 10 to gain further traction in recent years.