During winter, with all the cold kisses of the wind and the relaxing white beauty that envelops the world, it is very inevitable to feel lazy and to just desire to do nothing but be comfortable in front of the chimney or be covered under sheets of the bed. But did you know that it is not just us humans that feel that way? Even our felines also would want to just curl up in their bed and enjoy the freezing temperature.

But since being inactive isn't a good thing to maintain a good physique and obtain optimal health, it is still crucial for us to help our dear furballs to become active and busy this winter. To help you with this, here are some tips.


Serving them big meals can only make your cat more overweight especially during winter. So instead, it is better to feed them in small portions, hide some of their meals all around the house, and let your cat discover them. Doing so will push your cat to become active and even help them improve their hunting skills. Besides, letting them put an effort into searching for their food can make them enjoy their meal more, as explained by PetMD.


There are a lot of toys you can use to play with your feline, which can be very enjoying not just for your favorite furbaby but also for you. May it feathers to balls, just make sure to choose the one your cat would love the most. Doing so, you would surely notice your pet letting loose, becoming more active as he sees his toys pounce and bounce around.


Cats, just like dogs, love to learn new things. To begin with, start by teaching them basic commands such as stay, sit, come, and fetch. There are a lot of video tutorials on YouTube you can watch to teach you how to train them the right way. Make sure to give only small pieces of treats for every command performed a few seconds after they followed it. Doing so would make them understand that the treat is associated with the command they've followed.

During this season, another thing that you should do to keep your felines healthy aside from keeping them active is to monitor their health and be attentive to their needs, as discussed by PurinaMonitor their weight for an increase or loss and keep your veterinarian posted for every huge change that will happen.