Beauty products are costly especially those that can keep the skin's youthful glow like serums and creams. Good thing, amid all these expenses, there is still a way to cut costs. One of the most effective ways to do that is to create your skin and beauty products out of what nature can give.

If you are looking for some effective ingredients you can use to create your natural beauty products, you're definitely on the right page. Here is a list of the plants usually used by the beauty industry in keeping your skin and face at its best.


Aloe Vera's sticky gel contains a lot of good stuff in it, which can be beneficial to your skin. According to Agrono MagAloe's gel has 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, and 200 other ingredients, which include antioxidants, folic acid, choline, beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, and B12.

Given all these, Aloe Vera has since been used to create cosmetic products to soothe, tone, moisturize, and protect the skin from inflammation and other problems. Furthermore, it is also used to create body creams, natural deodorants, and hair care products.


Roses are not just an epitome of beauty but are also a vessel of it. This beautiful bud produces a kind of oil, which is used mainly as a natural cosmetic ingredient and is so effective in hydrating the skin. Rich in vitamin C, this oil was so loved by the market that it was even priced at almost 9,000 euros in 2016.

Aside from using it to create beauty products, rose oil is also used to create fragrances. Even luxurious brands such as Dior and Chanel are fond of adding this ingredient to their masterpieces.


If you are suffering from dry skin, the oil from this plant's flower is the best for you. Known for its sweet, relaxing, and pleasant smell, lavender is very effective in moisturizing and getting rid of your dry flaky skin. But though this sweet flower is usually known as one of the most used beauty essentials nowadays, there is more to it than just that.

People during World War II used lavender oil as a disinfectant due to its antiseptic properties, playing a very important role in keeping people clean and safe at that time. At present, some people are also using this oil to protect themselves and their love ones from mosquitoes, as revealed by Best Plants.