Are you and your partner willing to go on to the next level of your married life? Are you both planning to have your own little angel soon?

Getting pregnant is indeed very exciting and having your own little minime to hold is such pure joy. But such a huge milestone is difficult to achieve and sometimes may even be impossible for some. Given this reason, before you gather your harvest, sow a couple of good seeds first. Here are some of those.


Pregnancy would require you more nutrients and vitamins. Without supplying your body with the right amount of this stuff, a nutrient deficiency could happen. And this can be dangerous for your baby.

So as early as now, better take prenatal vitamins to keep your body pregnancy-ready. Some of the vitamins and minerals you should take are Vitamin E and D, Folic Acid, Fish Oil, Selenium, CoQ10, Folic Acid, and Coenzyme Q10. Aside from it can help you stay healthier for your future pregnancy, taking such supplements can also help you increase your chances, according to The Bump.


Did you know that the healthier you are, the higher is your possibilities of conceiving a baby? So, ditch your favorite burgers, pizza, chips, and fries, and embrace a more natural and balanced diet now. Some of the good stuff you have to include in your food plan are oranges, strawberries, nuts, beans, cereals, and greens such as kale, bokchoy, spinach, broccoli, and Swiss chard, as advised by What To Expect.

Other than taking vitamins and consuming healthy foods, women who are trying to get pregnant should also make time to exercise and work out and get vaccinations. Also, it is better to visit your doctor for a physical check-up, track your menstrual cycle, and limit your exposure to things with high toxicity levels such as fragrances, beauty products, plastics, and cleaning chemicals we use at home.

Though getting pregnant may be such a wonderful thing, the coronavirus joining the scene made the situation complicated. Because of insufficient data as of the writing, experts are still unaware of whether pregnant women are more at risk of acquiring the virus or not. But since expecting mothers tend to have a weaker immune system, the possibilities of them acquiring viral infections are high.

So if you have plans to get pregnant now, better be cautious and learn to protect yourself the right way. You will never know what is due to happen. So, always be ready.