Queen Elizabeth is said to be happy to see her great grandson Archie with the same red hair as Prince Harry. The Queen apparently spoke with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex via a video call during the monarch's birthday in April, while the couple and their son are staying in Los Angeles.

Sources told royal expert Katie Nicholl that Prince Harry and Meghan called up the Queen to greet her on her 94th birthday. The monarch reportedly remarked that Archie has plenty of physical similarities with his father. 

Prince Harry and Meghan haven't had much chance to let Archie bond with his legendary great grandmother, hence the surprising reaction. A few months following Archie's baptism, the royal pair decided to fly to Vancouver for the holidays and then moved to Los Angeles to start a new life away from the royal constraints. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex haven't brought back Archie with them when they performed their last royal duties in March.

The one-year-old child has been described as a "happy and sweet baby" who imbibes love and joy. Archie is an active toddler who is strong and determined to walk. 

However, with the coronavirus lockdown effectively limiting the Queen's movements and interactions, the royals are resigned to interacting with each other via Zoom calls. Prince William and Kate Middleton remarked in a BBC interview that they get to spend a lot more time getting in touch with friends and family members than ever before. 

Prior to the global pandemic, Prince Harry and Meghan had plans to bring Archie for his first summer in Balmoral, the Queen's holiday home. However, the Sussexes might have to cancel this plan because of the many travel hitches they have to endure in this unprecedented public health crisis. 

If Prince Harry, Meghan and Archie travel to Balmoral, they will have to undergo a two-week isolation to ensure that they are not coronavirus carriers. The Queen might also decide not to travel to Balmoral as well since she will be at great risk if she veers away from Windsor Castle, where she is currently isolating. 

According to royal expert Andrew Morton, coronavirus is too risky for the Queen, as well as her husband, Prince Philip, who has an existing medical condition. Hence, Buckingham Palace had to cancel her engagements from March until the rest of the summer. Though the palace has not yet announced that the Queen could skip Balmoral, it's the understanding that the monarch will be safer and protected from the virus infection if she stays put in Windsor.