People have witnessed how important the frontliners are during the coronavirus pandemic and they were automatically seen as heroes. They have saved a lot of lives while risking theirs, and they also showed strength to the public.

To show support for the frontliners, people have continuously thanked them and hailed them as heroes. However, Prince William cautioned everyone not to call NHS staff as that for one particular reason.

The Duke of Duchess shared that calling NHS staff “heroes” can be a “burden” for them. Prince William and Kate Middleton have teamed up with leading organizations to launching "Our Frontline" that will support the NHS staff’s well-being during the global health crisis and that's when they realized their mental troubles.

In a series of video calls with hospital staff and care workers, Prince William and Kate Middleton have heard the pressures that NHS staff have been facing during the coronavirus outbreak. While these men and women always put on a brave face, the stress and pressure are taking a toll on their mental health.

While it’s natural to see and call the frontliners “heroes,” the label could have a negative effect on them. Prince William claims that instead of seeking help when they needed it, frontliners might ignore their mental struggles to live up to the title that people see them.

“We made the NHS frontline staff, rightly, heroes,” he said. ”But in doing so, we once again, give them the burden that we gave our soldiers fighting in the war."

Prince William then offered options on how people should praise NHS staff. Instead of the term “heroes,” the Duke of Duchess suggested that they should be hailed as “superstars,” “brave,” and “wonderful staff.”

The future King then noted that wider support for mental health is needed. A lot of people have been traumatized by their experience during the coronavirus pandemic, from NHS staff to regular citizens.

Meanwhile, Prince William shared on the BBC documentary called Football, Prince William, and Our Mental Health that he had a hard time bringing famous people to support his and Kate Middleton’s mental health campaign. Since many see the topic as quite controversial, these celebrities that he reached out to may have considered the consequences if their names will be linked to such a campaign and decided not to be a part of it.

“No one was interested in being part of Heads Together, because it was about mental health,” he said.