Prince Charles has stayed on top of his virtual engagements amid the pandemic crisis. Inside Birkhall, where he and his wife, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall have been staying, the future King told in an online interview with Sky News how much he misses his family, especially his grandchildren.
Prince William and Kate Middleton's three kids, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are all with them inside Anmer Hall in Norfolk. The family has been isolating, as well, in the property for several weeks now.
Prince Charles, considering the current situation in the United Kingdom, and the rest of Europe, admitted that he wants to "give everyone a hug." His admission seemingly centered mainly on the young Cambridge royals, as well as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's son, Archie Harrison, according to Fox News.
Aside from his grandchildren, the Prince of Wales also reportedly "acknowledged" that he has not seen his father, Prince Philip, for several weeks now. The emotional admission of the royal-born Prince seemingly comes as the Duke of Edinburgh is set to celebrate his birthday with Queen Elizabeth II next week.
As reported, the patriarch of the British Royal Family is turning 99 on June 10. Although there has been no confirmation as to how he and the Queen will mark the day, several sources reportedly shared that there will be no big celebration next week, and there will be no guests.
Prince Charles, who also mentioned that his father would celebrate without him, asserted how "terribly sad" it is to be far away from loved ones, as per The Telegraph. Nevertheless, he reportedly said that he has been doing a lot of FaceTime to continue the communications. You can speak to them, "at least" the royal added.
While explaining that it is a good, fortunate thing to ponder on, he, later on, argued that it is still "not the same." He also reportedly continued to share that he "totally understands" the public's "frustrations" and "anguish" amid the lockdown measures across the country.
The whole virtual interview is reportedly part of the platform's series, After The Pandemic: Our New World, according to Sky News. The outlet then deemed the narrative as "rare" since Prince Charles has not largely talked about personal matters, including especially his family and his father.
Aside from discussing how he misses everyone, he also reportedly talked about how "lucky" he was when he "got away" and recovered from the novel coronavirus. He then said that this has made him more "determined" to push further his initiatives.